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January Open House Information

Thank you to everyone who attended the open house event on Thursday January 23, 2020.  All of the information presented at the open house can be found on this page, and it's organized similarly to the open house format.  Within each category is a comment box where you can share your thoughts and input.


There are three general categories:


  1. What we've heard - Since the public kick-off meeting on September 25th there have been efforts to engage the community through focus group interviews, public surveys, on-line mapping tools and feedback from Village boards and staff. These are the general needs and priorities we've gleaned from the input we've received so far, from over 300 stakeholders.

  2. Future Land Use Concepts - As we think about the future of Yellow Springs, it’s important to reflect on the existing built environment and its constraints.  This section features draft maps and vision concepts for residents to consider as we think about future development opportunities and limitations.

  3. Area Vision Concepts - Area vision concepts are design exercises used to explore and vet ideas about specific development sites and the areas around them.  Various concept sketches are developed with the goal of exploring site constraints, solving current issues and creating thoughtful connections to adjacent property and neighborhoods. 

  4. Ideas and Priorities - Based on the feedback we've received so far from the surveys, focus groups and stakeholder interviews, the following development ideas were generated. Please review the ideas and prioritize your top three.  If you think other ideas should be added, please let us know!

What we've heard

Below are the open house boards that are related to the public engagement results and input we've received to date. 

What we've heard

Future Land Use Concepts

Below are the open house boards that are related to future land use concepts.   

Future Land Use Concepts

Area Vision Concepts

Below are the open house boards that are related to the area vision concepts.   

Area Vison Concepts

Ideas and Priorities

Please review the ideas below and give us your top three!  If you think others should be added, please let us know. 

Ideas and Priorities
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